Future activity plan (in 2018)

This article can be read in about 5 minutes.

Hello, everyone. I will be changing job in December. At the same time, I will temporary absent full-fledged activity of my volunteer organization. Then I have decided to start this blog.

For the beginning

This blog is the platform to spread information as the personal activity by myself who is not belonging in any specific organization. It may be difficult to update frequently. However, I would like to keep a reasonable pace for writing articles. Your comment and following must encourage me. Nice to meet you.

I will focus on studying and training of organization management and business strategy in the new occupation for several years. Then I decided to produce “some results” in 3 years when I will become 33 years old. (Even I have an image about “some results”, I omit this point at this time.)

My dream is to enhance environmental education movement around the world. For this dream, I want to increase the number of my fellows and support them. I am not an environmental educator, but an “Environmental Education Activist”.

Process until my job changing

I have been involved in management work in my volunteer group for 6 years since I had been in the graduate school. I cannot say enough appreciate every members who have followed me and given me hearty support. I have become the top leader of the volunteer team thanks for a lot of cooperation from many people.

After the finish of the master course, I have worked as a system engineer to make my living. At the beginning, I have been able to handle my life of parallel carrer. But it has become difficult to maintain 2 different jobs. It was not enough time to manage my volunteers. I has troubled members because I did not know the best way how to manage them.

In February 2018, that was the time which I had worked as an engineer for 3 years and I would became 30 years old in the 6 months after. I have lost 2 colleagues in the same time. That became the trigger for me to consider how to live my life in future.

After that, I called myself as “Environmental Education Activist”, and joined a lot of seminars to meet people who are succeeding in various fields. Then I asked me how I wanted to live my life. In April, I decided to change my occupation and also to absent the volunteer activity as a leader. The new job has been found in July thanks to miraculous encounters. I am working to take over my work for other members.

In addition, I had decided to became 30-year-old in New York at the same time. Then I have visited the oldest aquarium and the most advanced virtual aquarium. I will write a travel report as another article.

Why 33-year-old?

There is no particular reason. While my hesitation, I had received fantastic scenery from some teachers of life, who had been 33 years old. I am excited what I will be doing when I turn that age.
