
Author Profile

For the next decade Part2

In March, with the completion of my second master's degree, I have counted 10 years of my life working in aquariums. Here I would like to look back on what I have been working on and organize what I would like to work on in the future.
Author Profile

For the next decade Part1

In March, with the completion of my second master's degree, I have counted 10 years of my life working in aquariums. Here I would like to look back on what I have been working on and organize what I would like to work on in the future.
Japanese Situation

Utilizing Animals and Biodiversity for Business Management / Retrospection on the MBA night program in Japan

Thanks to all of you, I have successfully completed the Master of Business Administration program at Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School in March 2022, so I would like to write a summary of the entire two years of classes and how fantastic the lectures at this school are.
Local Information

Road to Tokyo Sea Life Park

You can also take a bus to Kasai Rinkai Park and Tokyo Sea Life Park.
Author Profile

Challenges at the age of 33

The experience of steadily accumulating grounded work in such an area will surely come in useful in some way in the future, and if anything, the opportunity to utilize it will naturally come near us.
Social Activity

Social Innovation

Isn't it more essential to fight as a party to the problem than to make innovations? Even if we think we've created innovation and made an impact on society, in reality, we may just be complacent in our own little world.
Social Activity

Recognizing the structure of problems

Might we, Generation Y, as those who have intrigued and used Generation Z for our purposes, be stoned by the Generation Alpha starting around 2030?
Japanese Situation

Social Impact Measurement

The key to social impact measurement is nothing but professionalism. Environmental conservation and education projects are significant, but at the same time, the effects can be faked very easily. It is a business where you can "create" as a logic model as much as you want and say, "We are doing so well!"
Japanese Situation

Aquariums in the Age of Technology

The time will come when an industry insider will finally have to seriously answer the question, "What is the point of keeping creatures in aquariums?"
International Current

Expectations from the 10th International Aquarium Congress

I'll look back at the 10th International Aquarium Congress, which was held in 2018 to get a glimpse of the international aquarium industry in action while in Japan.