Recognizing the structure of problems


Might we, Generation Y, as those who have intrigued and used Generation Z for our purposes, be stoned by the Generation Alpha starting around 2030?

Will ESG create value?

In my MBA class, I had to give two group presentations on “ESG will not enhance corporate value,” which was a theme that seemed to completely negate my own ten years of living in E and S. As I collected evidence for my arguments, I found it necessary to expand the discussion to include my own aquarium research and the diversity and inclusion that I had discussed so intensely in another presentation. As a result, I realized that “There is no right answer. Only pretty words are not management science!” and I was able to arrive at a conclusion that confronts the fundamental truth: “Why do we write master’s theses?” It was really a lot of fun. I want to do it again.

The point of the argument is that we need to become more aware of “phenomena” as follows.

  • Impact measurement and impact washing.
  • Ensure transparency of corporate activities through technological innovation.
  • Humanity of vacant Japanese people who turn their principles upside down overnight.
  • Various political interests surrounding the animal protection and environmental protection movements.
  • Injection of new values by multi-stakeholders.

Then, isn’t it essential that the last bastion entrusted to human beings should be investment, corporate, and consumption activities based on ethical systems-1 mindset? It is incredibly hubristic to think that legitimacy can be created by a single person or organization as a stand-alone entity. Without regard to the noble ideals of top executives, the dynamics of group-specific societies creating legitimacy and communities “injecting” value into enterprises and activists is what has continuously driven organizations with renewing purpose.

Renewal of established assets

Mathematics, business administration, and music (art) are three irreplaceable assets that I have immense faith in, and it is reassuring to have these three in my possession as I fight for the future in the field of aquariums and environmental education.

Until I have entered the MBA program, the idea that “it’s a good thing, so let’s start working on it in our company” was my only breakthrough in today’s world, where everyone recognizes the necessity of SDGs and ESG. This time, I decided that this attitude was too short-sighted, and in some ways, even very dangerous, so I made a break with it. It is an excellent harvest for me to realize these possibilities due to rethinking social business structure in my research. Besides, this yields results from being influenced by all the people reading this article, not based on any particular person or influence, so I appreciate all of you.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether I won or lost the debate. Instead, the vital point to conclude the purpose of my existence in the future was “how much of a unique perspective I could provide to my fellow students who will lead society together from this presentation. As my objective and not hubristic self-assessment, although I feel that I have fallen short to some extent, I am confident that I have provided value that no one else who has taken the same course could have. At the least, the achievements I have made over the past ten years in the world of E and S will not be betrayed so easily. Through the process of sharing the values that emerge from this foundation with my surroundings, I have been steadily dismissing my past ideas of value and renewing myself to a new stage for the past two years.

Asking “What is the problem?”

I think the essential part of such renewal is the value of writing a master’s thesis, an activity that externalizing the problem to the fullest extent. Starting around 2030, might we, Generation Y, become the ones who are thrown stones by the Generation Alpha for having bullied and used Generation Z for our purposes? I have been supporting the activities of Generation Z for the past few years, but has the process brightened the future of the younger generation? Instead, weren’t we just using the enthusiasm and determination of the younger generation for our own personal benefit? That may be the frontier of impact washing. And we may be the ones leading the way.

Don’t get caught up in your patterns of thinking and values. To realize the illusion of pursuing absolute norms within a small space in a world where “What is considered right?” can easily change. That may be the origin of diversity and inclusion.
